Friday, July 10, 2009

Humour: Life Of Brian

One of my favourite films is Monty Python's "Life of Brian". The film is very funny and is packed with history and character. 

Actual the film has almost become a piece of history within it's own right. When it came out in the 80s, there were protests by evangelical christian who want a boycott of this filth. By the early 90s when I remember going to see the film on re-release in Oxford, and I was surprised to see some of the members of my college's Christian Union in the audience. I was suprised by this and raised a eye. Afterwards the film, they calmed that the majority of their evangelical christian friends thought the film was actually funny and they weren't to uptight to laugh at themselves.. if only all religions were that flexible in mind and attitude.

The humour in the film is not just about religion but the romans (the establishment) and political movements (radicals) are also brilliantly satirised. Also it is not just the big things in life, the are plenty of quirky and eccentric people to provide real humour. Naturally the Monty Python team are masters of comic body language, comic timing ...

Scene 18

[holy music] 

FOLLOWERS: Master! Master!... 

BRIAN: Hey! Is there another way down? Is there another path down to the river?


BRIAN: Please! Please help me! I've got to get--

SIMON: Mm. [whump] Oh, my foot! Oh!

BRIAN: Shhhh.

SIMON: Oh, damn, damn, damn! 

BRIAN: Well, I'm sorry. Shhh.

SIMON: Oh, damn, damn, and blast it!

BRIAN: I'm sorry. Shhhh!

SIMON: Don't you 'shhhh' me. Eighteen years of total silence, and you 'shhhh' me!

BRIAN: What?


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