Thursday, February 11, 2010

Behind Van Gogh - letters and sketchs

The Van Gogh exhibition at the Royal Academy is fantastic. The focus on his sketches and drawings, gave me a feeling for the private life of this brilliant talent. Even as a small boy when I was generally bored by my parents terminally long trips around various Europe's finest art galleries and museums, I loved the Van Gogh's and could loose myself in these paintings for long periods. I didn't realise who hard he worked as an artists - years of hard study and solid technical training, like Picasso he has done some beautiful line drawings. His style and unique technical skills clearly developed over many years.

Anyway the highlight of this exhibit was his sketches and his letters, which gives masses of colourful background into his life, what he read, what he thought, his passions...

It is also just nice to see the rough sketches behind some of his most famous painting.

Mon cher Theo,
Merci de ta lettre et du billet de 50 fr. qu’elle contenait. Merci de m’avoir encore écrit sur le tableau de ces artistes Hollandais.1
J’ai fait mettre le gaz dans l’atelier et dans la cuisine, ce qui me coûte 25 francs d’installation.2 Si Gauguin et moi travaillons une quinzaine tous les soirs ne les regagnerons nous pas? Seulement comme d’ailleurs G. peut maintenant venir de jour en jour j’aurai absolument absolument encore besoin de 50 francs au moins...

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