Thursday, September 24, 2009

70-433 SQL Server Powershell

It would be nice to see some good examples of SQL Server power shell, Martin Bell's blog went through some of Microsoft Book On Line (BOL) examples; but I didn't immediately see where and why powershell scripting would help (the idea sounds great as I am big fan of Unix shell scripting).

I suspect somewhat like JavaScript which was not used in a particularly flexible or subtle way at first, that powershell has enormous potential and it just needs people to understand and use it to it's full capacity (in a possibly similar way to jquery libraries "on top of basic JavaScript")?

The 70-433 requires basic familiarity:

"Get-Item . | Get-ChildItem" cmdlet

returns "index names for table employees" when applied to the "indexes location"

(i.e. path SQLSERVER:SQL\Srv1\DEFAULT\Databases\Tables\Employees\Indexes)

returns "column names for table employees" when applied to the "columns location"

(i.e. path SQLSERVER:SQL\Srv1\DEFAULT\Databases\Tables\Employees\Columns)

"Get-Item . | Get-Member -type Properties " cmdlet

returns "all properties for table employees" when applied to the "tables location"

(i.e. path SQLSERVER:SQL\Srv1\DEFAULT\Databases\Tables\Employees)

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