Sunday, February 20, 2022

Omicron vs the Common Cold and Best Wishes to the Queen

It seems to me that that covid i.e. omicron is nearly everywhere now,

and it is inevitable that even the most vulnerable i.e. elderly are going to be very hard to protect.

My first concern is naturally my parents,

my Mum is 80 and clearly suffering from various conditions related

to old age (toothache and a nasty rash recently) but is in general in robust health physical health.

My biggest concern is my Dad who is 82 and has been in and out of the hospital several times

in the last two years and hasn't had covid yet.

My brother passionately believes that covid is now typically

only a mild common cold (this has been a theme of a few weeks now).

I was pushing back, I've just had covid two weeks ago now and it was nasty,

but yes for myself it pretty mild i.e. a million miles from being hospitalized.

Still, I was quite sick/weak for a few days and while I thought I have fully recovered

a week ago, I have had some fatigue and headaches this week.

My brother annoyed me today, by his aggressive assertion that

omicron is typically only a mild cold, which many people hardly notice,.

When I complained that I have been pretty ill and so have several of

my friends in recent weeks with covid, he also started mocking me, along the lines of "I know David thinks he nearly died of covid". 

Today I held my ground asking where is the evidence that "omicron is typically no worse

than a mild cold", there might be some truth in this? I was hoping for some sort of report/link/evidence… and my brother

got rather the hump and left the family call… my parents then blamed me for being

too hard (was I being insufferable or are my parents just hoping for a quiet life?). 

Well I do see the queen is now sick and the briefing from Buckingham Palace is that :

“Her Majesty is experiencing mild cold-like symptoms but expects to  

continue light duties at Windsor over the coming week."

and 🤞 she makes a speedy recovery, although I'm a bit sceptical about Buckingham Palace briefings?

The Queen undoubtedly has the best health care that money can buy, but I believe she has only

just tested positive so predicting recovery times seems a bit premature?

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